
Mykidsarecool seems to be a name I am know by sometimes more than my given name. That is just fine with me, because when you have cool (grown) kids,You are a VERY LUCK MOM!!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


The Ultimate Volunteer GIG!!
I know, I have been MIA for the past week ½, but for a good reason. I was lucky enough to be a volunteer on the Extreme Makeover 'Home Edition' house that was built in Northeast Philadelphia last week. I worked 38 our of 48 hours straight from Mon 3/27 @ noon through Wed. 3/29 @ 6PM with one 20 hour day from tues thru wed. I had the opportunity to meet some amazing people and to help build an amazing house. I was a food runner, planted a garden, sanded furniture and cooked and served food to the crew,construction workers and the production co. It was an experience of a lifetime. I have certainly done my share of volunteer work over the years, but this was a life changing experience. Julie volunteered with me on Wed and also had an awesome experience. In the middle of all the excitement I did get over to sign the papers for my new car and Elliot drove it home as I went back for another shift of work at the "work site" It was Extremely exhausting, but even more satisfying to have helped to accomplish so much. I had the pleasure of meeting (and feeding) Pauly and Preston and Paige & Ty too! I was assigned to the 50 foot mobile kitchen the last 2 days, It was a gourmet restaurant on wheels. How awesome was that..Elliot even hooked up the chef with Filets for his "wrap party luncheon on Thurs" just being in the right place at the right time. It was an experience of a lifetime and thanks to WAWA coffee and tastykakes I made it through the nights. The local builders "Dewey" were amazing in their organizational skills..what team work..from everyone!!
Now it is back to wedding mode and preparing for Passover next week.Time to start cooking, and cooking. We will be 30 for dinner for the 1st I must get back to sewng wedding stuff and cooking..till then...


  • At 11:31 AM, Blogger Karin said…

    I am so glad you got a chance to do this, how fun. I loved the story with how you hooked up the meat, it is good to know people.


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