
Mykidsarecool seems to be a name I am know by sometimes more than my given name. That is just fine with me, because when you have cool (grown) kids,You are a VERY LUCK MOM!!

Saturday, February 11, 2006



OK, the most updated forcast is MAJOR SNOW STORM..8-13" of snow is due to arrive on my doorstep by the end of this event tomorrow! I really do love a good snow, just bad timing! I've been recouping from surgery for the past 4 days and really need to get out and play! I won't even be permitted to play in the snow, or even operate the snow blower!! I will have to just watch everyone else romp in the newly fallen snow!!
Happy Birthday to my sister MaryLou, she is happily celebrating her birthday, and her 2nd wedding anniversary in warm, tropical Maui!! Happy Birthday to Steven (her husband) who had a birthday on 2/9. How nice to have both birthdays and their wedding anniversary in a 5 day span.
I stayed up and watched the opening ceremonies of the Winter Olympics, a very good production and entertaining evening.
I'm actually 'caught up' to date on "wedding stuff" so I guess today will be a good day to create a sewing project or two and to curl up with a good book and do some research on my 'next car' Not really sure what I want, I'm sure I will have a dream soon that will clue me in! This weather really makes me dream for the Baseball season to begin, soon, real soon!! I ream of the sounds of hearing "batter up" oh well, till then, I guess I'll only hear it in my dreams!!


  • At 11:44 AM, Blogger Karin said…

    That is a lot of snow. It is in the 80's here so snow doesn't look too likely here. I am actually all caught up on wedding stuff too, it is a nice feeling. Enjoy the weekend you will have plenty of chances to play in the snow later.

  • At 5:16 PM, Blogger Brad Herman said…

    it's hard to get into the winter olympics when its 80 and sunny


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