
Mykidsarecool seems to be a name I am know by sometimes more than my given name. That is just fine with me, because when you have cool (grown) kids,You are a VERY LUCK MOM!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


No worries, all is calm, celebration dinner is booked, with lots of fun bells and whistles!!

Everything happens for a reason, we don't always know what that reason is when stuff if happening to us, but I faithfully believe that the reason will eventually present itself and then we will understand.
The weeked of May 19th-21st will be a wonderful weekend of two families coming together. NO WORRIES !! LOL


  • At 2:07 PM, Blogger Karin said…

    Thak you so much for taking care of this for us. Brad and I are so lucky to have such wonderful parents who are willing to do so much for us. I am still working on this no worries thing though.

  • At 8:44 PM, Blogger Sandy said…

    It takes lots and lots of years of practice to get the hang of the "No Worries" strategy..I have faith that you will get there!
    We're sending you lots of love and positive energy!!

  • At 11:45 PM, Blogger Brad Herman said…

    Great Job!

  • At 5:22 AM, Blogger Sandy said…

    I love that pix of u..that ranks in the "way cool" category! Thanks for the encouragement!!
    where on the Bradandkarin site is there a link to the "big red adventure?" I have the link, but is the link on the site??


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